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Learning Support


Learning Support

We are proud to offer an inclusive education, where all our pupils receive a varied and challenging curriculum to ensure they reach their full potential. We have a strong Learning Support team of 10 experienced members of staff, headed by the SENDCO, Assistant SENDCO and the Assistant Headteacher responsible for Personal Development.

Colleagues are extremely skilled in supporting students and individuals with SEN Support (K) needs, such as Dyslexia, Dyscalculia or Irlens for example, and these students achieve exceptionally well.

Whilst HRCS has established a strong reputation for also supporting those students with more complex needs (EHCP), we are very transparent and clear in what level of support we can provide, particularly as a very small traditional mainstream school with limited resources.

If you have any queries about Learning Support, please do not hesitate to speak to one of our team, who will be happy to answer any of your questions.


Curriculum Support or Teaching Assistants (TA’s)

Curriculum Support or Teaching Assistants (TA’s) will support students in lesson to access the curriculum, achieve and excel.

They will work in collaboration with class teachers, as well as working independently with individuals or small groups of students to ensure students acquire the skills they need to be successful in school.


Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTA’s)

Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTA’s) support students in the same way as Teaching Assistants but will also take responsibility for a specific learning need, accessing research and training that can be disseminated across the school to provide more targeted support for students.

HLTA’s will also support individuals, small groups and will take whole classes for intervention or additional learning support sessions.



The SENDCO team will lead and manage the Learning Support team and will ensure students are supported across the school; applying provision appropriate to the needs of each individual student.

They will also oversee the quality of the provision in place and will monitor the progress of those students receiving additional support. They will also coordinate regular parental meetings to review education plans and high needs applications.


Senior Leaders

Personal Development

A senior leader will be responsible for the management and leadership of Learning Support.

Within this role, the senior leader will take overall responsibility for the following key aspects across the school:

  • Wider Curriculum incl. SMSC/Cultural Capital
  • Character development
  • Extra-curricular
  • BV & Modern Britain
  • EDI
  • Respect for difference
  • Developing Citizens
  • Careers (Gatsby)
  • Readiness for next stage*
  • Meeting SEND needs*

They will also take direct responsibility for Equality, Diversity & Inclusion, CEIAG, Trips, PSHE/SRE, Charity & Community and student leadership aspects across the school.

Learning Support Structure